A&S Papers


Knit Pouch by Lady Lucia de Moranza

Reproduction of Facial Mosaic Cane and the Bead on which it was Found by Lady Merewen de Sweynesheie

Tarsoly by THL Þorfinna gráfeldr


16th Century Style Arrows by Magistraa Nicolaa de Bracton


Clank the Dishes, Chip the Plates: What I Learned About Serving at Feast by Maister Colyne Stewart

Running Small Events: Introduction to Autocratting by Dame Asa Gormsdottir

Ways to annoy an autocrat, or How not to be accountable by Dame Asa Gormsdottir


The Robert ap Huw Manuscript, Welsh Bardic Music, and Links to Irish Bardic Music by Lady Muirenn ingen Morgair

The Role of the Ursine Bard by Maister Colyne Stewart


Limp Bound Book by Lady Lucia de Moranza

Romanesque Bookbinding Project by Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton


13th Century-style Manuscript Copy of the Ad instructionem iuniorem of Simon de Hinton by Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton

Building an Award Scroll by Dame Asa Gormsdottir

An Introduction to Lindisfarn Illumination by Dame Asa Gormsdottir

The Lindisfarn Gospels: An Introduction by Dame Asa Gormsdottir

Zoos with Halos: The Medieval Bestiary by Maister Colyne Stewart


A Rus' Coronation Ceremony by Magistra Nicolaa de Bracton


Sourdough Bread by Lady Lucia de Moranza

Yuletide Cooking: One Laird's Attempt to Cook at Christmas by Maister Colyne Stewart


A Short Treatise on the Giving and Receiving of Tokens by Maister Colyne Stewart


Good Housekeeping: “the arte of hus wifship” by Lady Gwen Hamilton

Past the Tower Guard, Third Hole on Your Right: Medieval Toilets by Maister Colyne Stewart

Raising the Late Medieval Child by Lady Gwen Hamilton

The Village of Ardchreag: Creating a Persona for the Canton, and Acting on it by Maister Colyne Stewart


Counted Work Sampler by Lady Lucia de Moranza

Embroidery of an Elizabethan Book Binding in Silk and Metal-Wrapped Threads by Lady Merewen Sweynesheie


Gareth's Little Black Book of SCA Fencing by THL Gareth Campbell

Introduction to Cut and Thrust Rapier by Master Albrecht Stampfer

Lessons in Individual Combat from the Art of War by Lady Merewen Sweynesheie

Melee Drill Day by THL Gareth Campbell

Meyer Class Notes by Master Giovanni di Enzinas

Saviolo Drills by Master Giovanni di Enzinas


Basic Shieldwall Techniques by Maister Colyne Stewart

The Handy Squire's Pontification Guide: How to Look Good in the Lists by Maister Colyne Stewart

Once More into the Meatgrinder: Reminiscences of a First Time Pennsic Fighter by Maister Colyne Stewart

A Small Treatise on the Helm Show by Maister Colyne Stewart

Why I Fight by Maister Colyne Stewart


A Brief Timeline of the Medieval Playing Card by Maister Colyne Stewart

Give it a Hurl: The Sport of Hurling by Maister Colyne Stewart

Is Tablero Period, and Should We Care by Maister Colyne Stewart

Period Dice Games: Series One, Easy by Maister Colyne Stewart

Rules of Glic by Maister Colyne Stewart

The Tafl Family of Games: Rules and a Brief History, with an Emphasis on Tablut by Maister Colyne Stewart


Nothing Burns Like Pine, Boy by Maister Colyne Stewart

Samhain, Feast of the Dead by Maister Colyne Stewart


Diptych of Illuminations from the Book of Hours of Daniel Rym by Lady Merewen Sweynesheie

Illuminated Scroll Blank featuring Spring Flowers found in the Kingdom by Lady Rohais de Guildeford


The Sector of Thomas Hood by Lady Merewen de Swennesheie


Pentathlon 2003 Winning Entry by Dame (then THL) Asa Gormsdottir


Poems Written in Period Forms and Styles by Maister Colyne Stewart


Research and Effective Documentation by Dame Asa Gormsdottir

Research and Effective Documentation (updated) by Dame Asa Gormsdottir


Pattern Recognition: Evolution of Large-Scale Textile Motifs by Dame Asa Gormsdottir

Quick and Dirty Banners by Maister Colyne Stewart

Sew What: Garb Making for the Non-sewer by Maister Colyne Stewart


A Knight's Belt Tabet Woven in the Style of the 9th Century Augsburg Cingulum by THL Elanna of House Marchmount

Silk Tablet Woven Belt with Double-Face and Double-Sided Brocade by Lady Merewen de Sweynesheie


Mix and Match Scroll Texts by Maister Colyne Stewart

On Writing an Award Scroll by Maister Colyne Stewart

Writing an Award Scroll Based on Period Sources by Maister Colyne Stewart

Writing in the SCA: An Overview and Discussion by Maister Colyne Stewart

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